Tuesday, November 17, 2009


In 36 hours, I'm off to Israel!! No, I am not quite packed but I can guarantee that all my shoes, clothes, and other goodies will make it into my suitcases (am I allowed 3??) before take off tomorrow.

Here are some ways to reach me as of 11/19:

Email: Arielle.Traub@gmail.com
Israeli cell: 052 431 1276
From the US: 011 972 52 431 1276
Skype: 203-275-0921
Ethan's cell: 011 972 52 470 2339

Address for letters:
Arielle Traub
6 Menashe Street, Apt 7
Jerusalem 93508 ISRAEL

Address for packages*:
Ethan Prosnit
c/o Hebrew Union College
13 King David Street
Jerusalem 94101 ISRAEL
*You can trust Ethan to deliver these to me except if they contain chocolate.

I am so excited to begin this adventure and join Ethan as a first year rabbinical gf. I've never been a good journaler but I will try to post regularly. Finally, with regards to this blog name (thanks JP!), you can check out Ethan's blog at http://kotel6.blogspot.com...blog wars of competing hotel puns commence:)



  1. Bring it on....
    May the best Blog win (or be commented on the most!)

  2. Spectacular ... Have a great trip. Can't wait to read the blog.

    The Red ק Inn

  3. Bon Viaggio! I'm so glad you'll have a blog. I'm sorry we never caught up in the end but hugs, hugs and HUGS!!

  4. Great blog! Keep them coming! Nelle's Nibbles to the winner! xo
