When Caryn and Amanda visited last week, we rented a car and drove to the Judean Hills for the day. Even with a few wrong turns, we were able to visit a tiny goat cheese farm inside the Peace forest past Abu Gosh. Specifically, we had to drive into the Peace forest and then down a dirt road through the Polish Jewry Memorial. Ethan off-roaded like a pro and once there, the only thing that gave away the goat cheese farm was all the goat cries (some combo of "bah" and human whining). We approached a little tent and inside, found farm workers who offered us samples of goat cheese. Yum!
This is a baby goat that was born the night before. They make such human-like crying noises. I fell in love.
After the goat cheese farm and some "creative driving," we went to a wonderful restaurant in moshav Nes Harim where we sat overlooking the Judean hills and then found our way to Katlav winery where Yossi, the vinter himself, gave us a tour of the winery and sat with us having a taste-testing. We bought a delicious bottle of cabernet sauvignon blend!
Caryn and I at Katlav
We also visited the Temple Mount. Unfortunately, we mistimed it thinking we could go from 1:30-2:30 but it turned out to only be open from 12:30-1:30. We got there at 1:15 so we had a quick look around before being asked to leave. Only Muslims are allowed to be up there during the off-times. I really want to go back for a proper tour. I was shocked by how big the complex is and also, how peaceful. There are lots of benches to sit on and garden areas that feels very park-like in a way.
Caryn and I in front of Dome of the Rock
My sister has also "visited" all the way from Tel Aviv! It's great to have her so close by. This past weekend, she came for Shabbat and we also had Ethan's college roommate Cara and her boyfriend stay with us for a few nights on their travels through the Middle East. On Saturday, we took a tour of Yemen Moshe, now a beautiful artist community overlooking the Old City. We also explored the Old City and I visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for the first time. It's really impressive. Something like 6 denominations of Christians have worship areas within the Church. We spied on some sort of Greek Orthodox Mass and watched as people exited the Edicule (Tomb of Christ) crying and displaying lots of emotion. I wish we had brought a guide book because the Church was SO big it was impossible to know what was going on in each area.
Very excited for our next visitor (my dad) at the end of this week!!!!